Tuesday, January 14, 2014

10,000 Hours

I don't really like sharing things about myself on the internet, but I like writing and I like keeping track of my life in some kind of organized way. So, I'm thinking that sharing pictures of the things I make instead of sharing details of my daily life might be a good compromise between these conflicting twenty-first century feelings. 

I've been painting, making things for the house (a hot yellow version of this, most recently), and doing some pottery. I have some free time at home, since this rotation is 3 or 4 twelve hour shifts per week, so I'm trying to spend my free time doing things instead of doing nothing. I'd really like to find my own style in painting and pottery and maybe become good at them along the way. For now, I'm just practicing. Here's some of my work:

I certainly feel most alive when I'm making things. Here's to 2014, a year I hope to be my most productive yet. 


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