Wednesday, April 18, 2012


I struck up a conversation with a guy at work the other day, and he mentioned that he was applying to med school. "Oh yeah?" I said, "I'm going to PA school in June."

Without pausing, he said, "You know you're selling yourself short, right? You should go to med school."

I told him that I don't want to (though the thought has crossed my mind more than once).

He's probably right. I'm probably selling myself short career-wise. But I think it's necessary for me to go the more mellow PA route so that I can have a great family life, hobbies, and involvement in my community (in areas other than just medicine). The older I get, the more I value work for what it is: a meaningful way to spend the day and a source of money for the things you love that don't fit into your job description.

Also, I got engaged a few weeks ago. It's truly the best thing that's ever happened in my life.

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